Monday, November 21, 2011

How to transport a client

Procedure: To transport clients from one system to another, go to System Administration then choose Tools -> Administration -> Client admin->Client transport -> Client export or transaction SCC8. In the client transport screen you can select a copy profile that matches your requirements and the target system in your CTS pipeline. Then you can execute the client export in the background or online. Before the client export starts, a popup screen shows all the information about the command files that will be created after the client export is done. After the process starts. You can watch the export process in client copy log using transaction SCC3.
After the client export procedure is completed, if you chose the client independent data then three transports are created in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles or there will be two transports:
KO for the client-independent data ( if selected). For example if the client export is done from development client 100 then the file will look like DEVKO0001.
KT for the client-specific data. For example DEVKT0001
KX for the SAPscript objects as Texts and forms. For example DEVKX0001
The data export is performed automatically. The output of the export includes the name of the COMMFILE that has to be imported. The following data files will be created in/usr/sap/trans/data directory using the same example given above:
For client dependent data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RT00001.DEV
For client independent customizing data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RO00001.DEV
For SAPscript data of a client: /usr/sap/trans/data/SX00011.DEV
Tips: Make sure that all the cofiles and the datafiles exist in the data and cofile directories before starting the import phase.
Then add all the command files to the buffer by using the TP command in /usr/sap/trans/bin directory as following:
tp addtobuffer 
Using the above example cofile: tp addtobuffer devkt00001 qas (if qas is our target system)
tp addtobuffer devko00001 qas
tp addtobuffer devkx00001 qas
Then logon as adm to the target system and then use then import the transports as following:
tp import devkt00001 qas client100 u148 – For the client dependent data
tp import devko00001 qas client100 u148 – For client independent data
(In the above example QAS is the target system and 100 is the target client)
After you import a client from another system, you must perform post-processing, activities in order to adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data. To execute post-processing, choose Tools -> Administration- >Client admin ->Client transport->client import or transaction SCC7. Transaction SCC7 will take you to the client import post-processing screen . In that screen the transport from the last tp import is proposed. Please check the transport number and if every thing is according to the order then press enter and that will take care of the post processing activities. You can also use SCC2 to execute the same process as in transaction SCC7. During this process, the SAPscript texts are imported and application reports are generated. If there are inconsistencies, you need to repeat the import after checking the log.
If you get any problem importing the SAPscript objects then use the RSTXR3TR program in the target client to import those. In this screen you can enter the transport request for the SAPscript object. According to the above example devkx00001. In the second line you need to enter the path for the SAPscript data file as following:
/usr/sap/trans/SX00001.DEV (using the above example)
You can choose the import option from the “mode” option. Then you can continue to execute the program and it will successfully complete the import of SAPscript objects to the target client.
Up to release 3.0, RSCLIEXP program can be used to create the command files. The tp command is used to do the import as we have seen before and the RSCLIIMP program is executed for the post-processing activities and the consistency of data.
Using the transport procedure in 4.0
In 4.0 after the client is exported from the source system using transaction SCC8 as we have seen in the client export section, the following transport files are created.
KO: For the client-independent data (if the copy profile selected includes client independent data:
KR: For the client-specific data.
KX: For the Texts and forms.
When all the above transports get released from the source system, the data is exported to the data files of /usr/sap/trans/data directory automatically. The cofiles are also created in the /usr/sap/trans/cofiles directory.
Then the command files need to be added to the buffer for the import using the format from the cofiles as following:
Logon to the target system as adm
cd /usr/sap/trans/bin – Change to the transport directory
tp addtobuffer – Adds to the buffer
If you are transporting to a new client then the new client should be created in the target system. Then you can start the import into the target system as shown in the following UNIX example:
tp import client from /usr/sap/trans/bin directory
After the “tp import” process completes successfully, start transaction SCC2 and then execute the import into the target client. This process imports all the SAPscript objects and generates all the programs. After the client is imported successfully, you should perform the post-processing activities by using the following path:
Tools ->Administration->Client admin->Client transport->Post-process import.
After the post processing is done, we recommend doing table compare between the source client and the target client to check all the client dependent and independent tables for consistency.

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