Monday, February 6, 2012

Important and Categorized SAP Tcodes

1. SP12                        –                       Tem Se Administration
2. SPAD                        -                       Spool Administration
3. SP01                                    -                       Output Controller
1. STMS                        –                       Transport Management System
2. SE09/10                   –                       Transport Organizer
3. SE03                                    -                       Transport Organizer Tools
4. SE01                                    -                       Transport Organizer (Extended)
1. SE16                                    -                       Data Browser
2. SE38/SA38               -                       ABAP Editor/Reports.
3. SE80                                    -                       Object Navigator.
1. SPAM                        -                       Support Pack Manager
2. SAINT                       -                       Add on Installation Tool
3. SICK/SM28                -                       Installation Check
4. SPRO                        -                       Customizing – Edit Project.
5. SALE                         -                       Display ALE Customizing.
6. BD54                        -                       Maintain Logical Systems.
7. SGEN                        -                       SAP Load Generator.
1. RZ10                        -                       Maintenance of Profile Parameters.
2. RZ11                                    -                       Profile Parameter Maintenance.
3. TU02                        -                       Parameter Changes on this instance.
1. RZ01                                    -                       Job Scheduling Monitor.
2. RZ03                                    -                       Presentation, Control of SAP Instances.
3. RZ04                                    -                       Maintain SAP Instances.
4. RZ12                                    -                       Maintain RFC Server Group
5. RZ20                                    -                       CCMS Monitoring
6. AL11                        -                       List SAP Directories.
7. SM01                        -                       Lock Transactions.
8. SM02                        -                       System Messages.
9. SM04                        -                       Users List
10. SM12                          -                       Display and Delete Locks.
11. SM13                          -                       Update Statistics.
12. SM21                          -                       System Logs.
13. SM35                          -                       Batch Input Monitoring.
14. SM36                          -                       Background Job Scheduling.
15. SM37                          -                       Background Job Monitoring.
16. SM50                          -                      Work Process Overview.
17. SM51                          -                       Instances Overview.
18. SM58                          -                       Asynchronous RFC Error Log.
19. SM63                          -                       Display/Maintain Operation Modes.
20. SM65                          -                       Background Job Analysis Tool.
21. SM66                          -                       Global Work Process Overview.
22. AL08                          -                       System wide active users list.
23. AL11                          -                       List SAP Directories.
24. AL15                          -                       Customize SAPOSCOL Destination.
1. PFCG                        -                       Profile & Role Maintenance.
2. SU01                        -                       User Administration.
3. SU02                        -                       Maintain Authorization Profiles.
4. SU10                        -                       Mass User Maintenance.
5. SU53                        -                       Evaluate Authorization Check.
6. SUIM                                    -                       User Information.
1. AL02                        -                       Database Alert Monitor
2. AL03                        -                       OS Alert Monitor
3. AL04                        -                       Monitor Call Distribution.
4. AL05                        -                       Monitor Current Workload.
5. OS07                        -                       Remote OS Activity.
1. SCC1                        -                       Client Copy Logs – Special Selections.
2. SCC3                                    -                       Client Copy Logs.
3. SCC4                                    -                       Client Administration.
4. SCC5                                    -                       Delete Client
5. SCC7                                    -                       Post Client Import Methods.
6. SCC8                                    -                       Client Export.
7. SCC9                                    -                       Remote Client Export.
8. SCCL                                    -                       Local Client Copy.
1. DB01                        -                       Analyze Exclusive lock waits.
2. DB02                        -                       Database Performance – tables and Indexes.
3. DB03                        -                       Parameter Changes in the Database.
4. DB12                        -                       DBA Backup Logs.
5. DB13                        -                       DBA Planning Calendar.
6. DB14                        -                       Display DBA Operation Logs.
7. DB16                        -                       Display DB Check Results.
8. DB17                        -                       Configure DB Check.
9. DB20                        -                       Update DB Statistics.
10. DB21                          -                       Configure DB Statistics.
11. DB24                          -                       Log Information: All Operations.
12. DB26                          -                       Database Profile Parameters.
1. ST01                                    -                       System Trace
2. ST02                                    -                       Setups/Tune up Buffers.
3. ST03                                    -                       Performance, SAP Statistics, Workload
4. ST03N                      -                       System Workload & Performance Statistics.
5. ST04                                    -                       DB Performance Monitor.
6. ST05                                    -                       Performance Trace.
7. ST07                                    -                       Application Monitor.
8. ST10                                    -                       Table Call Statistics.
9. ST11                                    -                       Developer Traces.
10. ST22                          -                       ABAP Dump Analysis.
11. STAD                          -                       Statistics Display for all systems.
12. STAT                          -                       Local Transaction Statistics.
13. ST06                          -                       Operating Systems monitor.

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